Using the UK Legal System as a Weapon: The Dark Reality of Post-Separation Abuse


The end of a relationship involving domestic abuse should offer the survivor a chance to reclaim their life, heal, and move forward. Regrettably, for many survivors in the UK, the end of the relationship does not always spell the end of the abuse. Instead, the UK legal system can itself be abused to become an instrument of further torment.

Weaponising Child Custody and Contact Disputes

One of the primary avenues through which post-separation abuse manifests is in disputes over child custody and contact. Abusers may exploit the court’s desire for children to maintain contact with both parents. They can intentionally elongate proceedings, causing emotional and financial strain on the survivor. The necessity for parents to communicate about their children can provide abusers with frequent opportunities to harass or intimidate their ex-partner. Abusers might also falsely claim that the survivor is an unfit parent by using baseless allegations or exaggerating minor incidents.

Financial Control and Economic Abuse

Even after separation, financial ties can remain, especially if the couple shared assets or had children together. Some abusers refuse to pay child maintenance, leaving survivors struggling financially. Even if court orders are in place, some find ways to under-declare their income or become intentionally unemployed. By intentionally dragging out legal battles, abusers can cause survivors to incur significant legal fees, further exacerbating economic hardships. Additionally, abusers may contest property settlements, forcing their ex-partners into prolonged legal battles over shared assets.

Misusing Non-Molestation Orders

Non-molestation orders aim to protect survivors from harassment and violence. However, they can sometimes be misused. In some cases, abusers lodge false claims to get a non-molestation order against the survivor, aiming to paint them as the aggressor. Once an order is in place against a survivor, any perceived breach (even if instigated by the abuser) could result in criminal charges.

Stalking and Harassment Under the Guise of Legal Communication

The very nature of ongoing legal disputes requires communication. This, however, can be exploited. There might be gaps in restraining or non-contact orders which allow abusers to continue contacting their ex-partner under the pretext of legal matters. If direct contact is restricted, abusers may use third parties, such as mutual acquaintances or even children, to relay messages and further their campaign of intimidation.

Emotional and Psychological Tactics

These forms of abuse might not leave physical scars but can be equally, if not more, damaging. Abusers can attempt to destroy a survivor’s reputation by spreading false information, often aiming to isolate them from support networks. During court proceedings, abusers might twist facts or events, making survivors question their own reality and potentially damaging their credibility in front of the court.

Safeguarding Against Post-Separation Abuse

For the legal system to protect survivors effectively, several steps need to be considered. Legal professionals, including judges, need comprehensive training on domestic abuse’s complexities and manifestations. Courts should be equipped to identify signs of post-separation abuse early in proceedings, enabling them to take protective measures. To prevent abusers from prolonging disputes, a streamlined legal process for abuse-related cases can be implemented, with a focus on expediency. Furthermore, survivors need robust support, both legal and emotional, to navigate post-separation challenges. This might include legal aid provisions, counselling, and dedicated support groups.

While the UK legal system is designed to ensure justice and fairness, it isn’t immune to manipulation. As society grows more aware of the insidious ways domestic abusers exert control even post-separation, it is crucial that the legal system evolves in tandem. Only by recognising and closing these loopholes can survivors genuinely find the safety and peace they deserve.